Welcome to the Arena!
Upcoming Matches
Rattle Boyale Tournament Ladder for 2022:
Rattle Boyale is a 1v1 PVP tournament ladder for D&D 5e. Run in small matches on no specific night, the games push players to think outside the box on a constantly changing set of maps. The loser levels up while the winner competes for level champion. Special monthly games let players have a chance at team v team challenges, or epic team v NPC combat scenarios to push their team work and combat skills to the next level.
Reincarnation Rumble Scores
Reincarnation Rumble is a 5-6 person battle royale tournament for D&D 5e. Every player creates the same race and class (drawn randomly), with their own subclasses, feats and items. They then battle it out to be last-man-standing, with points awarded for each person they outlasted. At the end of the match, we draw a new race and class and level up - ready to fight again next fortnight!
We have two teams currently - each playing fortnightly on a Wednesday at 7pm AEST (Sydney time). Reincarnation 1 and Rumble 2.
Join our discord for event notifications, special event discussions and more!